lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

Washing hands campaign

Staying home during these coming weeks is a very important mission we have if we want to defeat COVID 19. However, it's not the only important thing to do. We should also be very careful while we wash our hands. Sometime we do it quickly and that is not correct. It should take us at least 20 seconds to wash our hands with water and soap.
Instead of counting while we are doing it, we can do something fun: singing our favourite song for 20 seconds.
I've created  a poster with pictures showing the right way to wash our hands.. I picked a song I like so that it would be more fun. Now I'm sharing it with my friends and family.

 Do you like it? Do you know that song?
Now it's your turn. I challenge you to go to this website:
You just have to write the name of your song and the artist.
Download your poster and share ir with your friends and family. You can also send it to me:

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